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Special emphasis is placed on developing the skills of attending, listening and responding in ways that allow the student to engage in a productive helping relationship. Emphasis is also placed on applying effective communication skills in their collaboration with other human service professionals. As part of the development of microcounseling skills, students will gain increased understanding of themselves and their reasons for pursuing a career in the human services. Students will identify personal strengths and limitations they have in relation to working with other people. Course objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. Understand and explain the concept of interviewing and microcounseling in rehabilitation and human services. 2. Understand and be able to identify essential communication skills that are a part of the interviewing or microcounseling process. 3. Understand and explain the core ethical principles relevant to the helping professions. 4. Understand and explain personal accountability concepts involved in the practice of multiculturally-sensitive interpersonal communication in the human services, including professional ethics, scope of practice, confidentiality, professional disclosure. 5. Demonstrate competency in listening skills required for entry-leveling helping professionals. 6. Demonstrate effective responding skills (e.g., minimal encouragers, questioning, paraphrases, reflection of feeling) that effectively communicate understanding of a problem situation. 7. Communicate accurate empathy, unconditional regard, and genuineness with another individual. 8. Demonstrate communication skills necessary to assist another individual in identifying, clarifying, and operationalizing a personal problem situation using a brief, solution-focused approach. 9. Demonstrate ability to use a cognitive behavioral approach to assist in changing a pattern of dysfunctional thinking and behaviors in response to a stressful situation. 10. Demonstrate the ability to plan, organize, prepare, and present an oral presentation on utilizing coping skills in a particular area of trauma or psychosocial distress. 11. Demonstrate ability to plan, organize, and write a comprehensive and thoughtfully written self-reflection paper on why the student fits into a rehabilitation/human service career, and in what ways various psychosocial factors, such as the students strengths, limitations, values, needs, culture, and experiences, may influence his or her work in human services and in helping relationships. 12. Demonstrate competence at consciously reducing experience of stress through utilization of self-regulation skills. IMPORTANT: This syllabus does not constitute a contract and may be modified as the Instructor sees fit over the course of the semester. Accommodations The Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work, and Addictions is committed to full academic access for all qualified students, including those with disabilities. In keeping with this commitment and in order to facilitate equality of educational access, faculty members in the department will make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with a disability, such as appropriate adjustments to the classroom environment and the teaching, testing, or learning methodologies when doing so does not fundamentally alter the course. If you have a disability, it is your responsibility to obtain verifying information from the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) and to inform me of your need for an accommodation. Requests for accommodation must be given to me no later than the first week of classes for students registered with the ODA as of the beginning of the current semester. If you register with the ODA after the first week of classes, your accommodation requests will be considered after this deadline. Grades assigned before an accommodation is provided will not be changed. Information about how to obtain academic accommodations can be found in UNT Policy 18.1.14, at  HYPERLINK "http://www.unt.edu/oda" \t "browserView" www.unt.edu/oda, and by visiting the ODA in Room 321 of the University Union. You also may call the ODA at 940.565.4323. Required Text(s)* DeJong, P., & Berg, I. K. (2008). Interviewing for Solutions (3rd Ed.). Australia: Thompson Brooks/Cole. Kleinke, C. L. (2002). Coping with Life Challenges (2nd Ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press, Inc. Institute of HeartMath (2002). The Inside Story: Understanding the Power of Feelings> (This can be ordered online from www.heartmath.org) *Additional articles may be assigned as supplemental or optional readings. Grading Summary: Quizzes and written assignments (10% = 100 pts) Recorded interviews, analysis of transcript, self-evaluation of interviews (30% = 300 pts) Class presentation (15% = 150 pts) Self-regulation exercises (7.5% = 75 pts) Self-reflection paper (20% = 200 pts) Attendance (10% = 100 pts) Grading other students presentations (7.5% = 75 pts) Quizzes and written assignments (100 pts) There will be 11 weekly quizzes covering the assigned readings for the current week, as well as class handouts and lecture information from the previous week. These quizzes will consist of multiple choice, true/false, matching, and or short answer items. These tests are not easy and will require you thoroughly read and study the weeks assigned readings and go over your notes and handouts from the previous week. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES are given, but the students lowest quiz grade (except the final exam quiz #11) will be dropped in final averaging of the quizzes comprising the final grade for exams. The final exam, though it will count as an additional quiz, is mandatory and will consist of a final assessment of students microcounseling skills. Recorded interviews (total of 300 pts.) includes the following: Practice Audiotape # 1 (100 pts.): You will be required to make an audiotape of a microcounseling practice session with a fellow classmate(s) in order to evaluate your progress in developing good counseling and communication skills. It will be necessary for you to acquire a portable tape recorder and several audiocassette tapes for recording practice sessions. There will be days indicated on the syllabus for you to bring the tape and recorder to class and when these audiotapes are due. Sessions will be between 10 20 minutes in length. Students will submit to the instructor a critique of their interviewing skills, as demonstrated by the interview, and establish goals to improve on for the final audiotaped interview session. Final Video Recording (200 pts): In addition to practice tape mentioned above, you will conduct a final interview that you will audiotape, transcribe, and evaluate prior to submitting it to the instructor. This tape will also be made with a member of the class. Because of ethical considerations, counseling your own friends, roommates, or family members is not permitted. For your final interview, you are discouraged from trying to write out a counseling script before the counseling session and then act as a counselor. Historically, interviews that are acted out have received poor grades because they lack the genuine and spontaneous quality of good microcounseling skills. This is a critical component of the course. If you truly understand the material covered in this microcounseling course, you will be able to relate to another person in a way that clearly and effectively communicates your listening skills, interest, caring, and understanding of her/his problem situation. Although more specific instructions will be provided in class, in general, you will conduct and transcribe the interview, label the skills used, suggest verbal responses that would have been more effective or appropriate, critique your interviewing skills, and set goals for improvement. Competence in using the communication skills and solution-focused approach in resolving a mock personal problem presented by your classmate client is fairly equal to being able to demonstrate the ability to self-evaluate yourself constructively. See the course schedule for the dates that audiotapes are due. Class Presentation (150 pts.) You (along with a fellow classmate) will prepare and deliver a case presentation covering a coping strategy with a particular population as discussed in the Coping with Life Challenges textbook. The presentation will consist of PowerPoint and an in-class demonstration. This is to fulfill part of the university communication requirement. Each case report/presentation will include: Background information on the challenge (or trauma, or distress) being experienced such as how common does it occur, how is the challenge/trauma/distress defined, what are the incidence rates. You may need to do some research using other sources to complete this portion of the assignment. Are there any assessment tools used by helping professionals to diagnose type and severity of the challenge/trauma? How is treatment progress measured? Demonstrate what a normal course of treatment is in overcoming the obstacles around this life challenge. What was or is used to facilitate growth and overcome the obstacles presented? Case Study: #2 and #3 above can be accomplished by presenting a thorough case study. This can be a real case that respects the persons confidentiality or a fictitious case. A good case study gives the background, history, types of treatments already tried, presenting problem, assessments used, initial goals, progress, treatment, and conclusion. This case study can be presented in many different ways such as demonstrating a succession of counseling sessions, a video tape, a PowerPoint format or in many different waysbe creative. Create 3 multiple choice questions that will challenge your peers to think about the material you presented. These must be multiple-choice (not true and false). In addition to the correct response, try to select two plausible, but not correct alternatives. Try to focus on the main points you want your classmates to remember. Bring your PowerPoint presentation to class on a CD, USB Flash drive, or on your own laptop. You are responsible for knowing how to set up and run the PowerPoint program on the classroom equipment. You are welcome to use other media resources as appropriate. Each student is required to deliver a substantial portion of the report orally to the class. Presentations should not exceed 30 minutes, which means each student has approximately 15 minutes for their portion of the presentation. Fellow students in the class, will evaluate and provide feedback. See Course Schedule for presentation dates. Grading other students presentations (75 pts) Students are expected to evaluate fellow students presentations. Points will be assigned to each day and for each fellow students presentation. Self-regulation exercises (75 pts.) You will be practicing a self-regulation exercise for reducing your level of stress in the classroom. This will involve sitting quietly for approximately 12 to 15 minutes in the classroom while having your pulse monitored with a finger sensor. It is sincerely hoped that you will experience a benefit from these exercises. The number of points awarded is based on completing a minimum of 8 self-regulation sessions using the Freeze Framer program on our classroom computers, and submitting with the Self-Reflection paper described below, a thoughtful response discussing your progress and growth in learning to self-manage your stress level. It will be important that students remain seated and quiet in their seats from the time the exercise starts until the instructor instructs you to stop. If you engage in other activities such as talking, accessing the computer, eating, or text messaging during the exercise you will not get the points for the exercise. Self-reflection paper (200 pts.) The self-reflection paper assignment is designed to stimulate you to think about yourself and the role within the career area you have chosen for yourself. Therefore, what you say in the paper will not be used as a criterion for evaluation. Grades will not be affected by the degree to which you agree or disagree with authors of the course text, the instructor, or other members of the class. You will simply be expected to communicate your thoughts, feelings, and ideas as they pertain to the topic areas of the paper. The paper will also include self-awareness gained from your weekly exercises. The self-reflection paper should be no less than 6 pages and a maximum of 10 typewritten (double-spaced) pages (12-point font). You will submit a draft of the paper a few weeks before the final due date for the paper at the end of the semester (see date on course schedule). This allows the instructor to provide you with some feedback that will help you in preparing your final draft. The paper should address each of the following questions: Why you? What makes you believe you can be effective in working with other people? What have you learned during this course about your major strengths and weaknesses that you should be aware of in your profession or field of your choice? How will these strengths help you in the career you are planning? How do you think your family experiences and the way you were raised will affect your approach to working with other people? Pay particular attention to ways that your values and prejudices might negatively impact your clients or others you may be helping or influencing in your job or career. What direct experiences have you had with individuals with disabilities or unique life challenges? Identify both positive and negative effects that these experiences may have had on your personal and professional development as well as your coping skills. Assume you are in your first month of your first professional job following graduation. A colleague suggests that you are culturally constricted (i.e., you understand only people who share your own cultural background). How accurate would your colleague be? Rate yourself in terms of your cultural awareness (10 = extremely diverse cultural experiences; 1 = no awareness beyond my own culture). Explain this rating in terms of your experiences (e.g., growing up, school, work, educational, etc.). Imagine that you have a significant problem situation and you realize that you could best handle it by working with a professional counselor. What kind of counselor would you look for? What personal qualities would you seek? What professional qualities? Explain. Using the results you have obtained from your self-regulation (at least 8 Freeze Framer exercises), describe how well you can manage your own physical state of stress or calmness. What has this exercise taught you about yourself that you did not know before? Summarize your gains in (a) counseling, (b) communication, (c) self-awareness, and (d) self-regulation skills since the beginning of this semester. Bar graph of self-regulation (Freeze-Framer) results (High Coherence proportions x date). You need to turn in copies of all your Freeze Framer exercises and Stress record. Grading for the Self-reflection papers will be based on the following two criteria: 1. The seriousness and thoroughness with which you address the individual topics. This is a highly introspective assignment. You are encouraged to "work" on this paper throughout the course as we address the topics in class; it is not the kind of paper that can best be completed if you try to do it all in one night. It also is not an "extemporaneous essay" whereby you simply talk about yourself. The assignment is designed to allow you to communicate what you have learned through this class in ways that pertain to real situations (your life, your career, your personhood). This is meant to be an honest look at your strengths and some of your weaknesses. It is a mechanism by which you can demonstrate a combined knowledge about yourself with ideas about professional helping that is presented through this class. You should begin thinking about the issues the paper raises for you as soon as you read them over today. Continue to think about them and personalize them as you progress through the semester. 2. The presentation of the paper. This criterion relates to the quality of the paper in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, etc. While this is of secondary importance to the thoroughness of the paper, it is important enough to play a significant role in the grading process. You are at the stage in your academic career where you are expected to produce papers that demonstrate university-level quality in terms of their style, format, grammar, spelling, etc. In other words, you should identify and correct any technical writing errors in your paper prior to submitting it. In an effort to minimize technical writing problems, it is a requirement of this course to use a word processing program. Programs available through the computer labs allow you to carefully check for spelling, grammatical, and syntax errors so dont hesitate to use them (e.g., Words spellcheck option). Attendance (100 pts.) In this class, attendance is a key factor in how well you will do overall because so much of the work is done in class. For example, much of the class activities will involve practicing communication skills which will have a direct bearing on how well you ultimately do in your recorded interviews. Attendance will be documented by your signature on an attendance sheet for that days class or through various other mechanisms. Level of Engagement (no points but carries some weight) Level of engagement means many things to me. Students in the past who have done well in this course consistently have been those who attended class on time regularly and stayed for the entire period, read the material, practiced the skills, did the assigned work, didnt use the computer in class except for course-related work, and in general were present during the class period. I do pay attention to these things and consider these factors when assigning final grades, specifically when the students grade is close to a higher grade range. EXTRA CREDIT (80 pts.) You can earn 80 extra credit points that might relieve some of the grading pressure. The extra credit is an all or none extra credit; no partial credit will be given. The extra credit points are given by participating in no less than 6 (preferably 8) counseling sessions during the semester. Sessions can be conducted with either a UNT counselor or a current counselor if you are already participating in individual or group counselor sessions. If you would like to earn the extra credit, and are not involved in any current counseling, you can be a volunteer client for Masters Level Students in training by contacting the Counseling and Human Development Center located in Stovall Hall, 1400 Highland Street. The phone number is (940) 565-2970. Let them know you are wanting 8 counseling sessions as part of an extra credit for your RHAB 3000 class and are willing to see a Masters Level Counselor in training. After completing the sessions, fill out the Counseling Verification Form included within this syllabus, get the required signatures, and return it to the instructor. You will need to decide whether to pursue the extra credit early in the semester to give you and your counselor enough time to complete the sessions before the end of the semester. Grading scale A = 90% or more of total points B = 80% or more of total points C = 70% or more of total points D = 60% or more of total points F = less than 60% Incompletes Students are expected to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the work in a course due to extenuating circumstances. The term extenuating circumstances include: 1. Incapacitating illness which prevents student from attending classes for a period of time. 2. A death in the immediate family. 3. Financial responsibilities requiring student to alter course schedule to secure employment. 4. Change in work schedule as required by employer. 5. Other emergencies of this nature. Documentation of the circumstances cited to justify an incomplete grade is required. Should the above circumstances apply to a student during the semester, the student may petition the instructor of the course for time beyond the end of the semester to finish the work. If the instructor agrees, an I will be submitted on the final grade list for the student. The student will then be required to complete the work by the time agreed upon (not to exceed 12 months). Should the student not complete the work by the time agreed upon, a final grade will be calculated as if the missing work were zero and submitted to replace the I grade. University policy prohibits an I being given due to poor performance. Notice of Academic Dishonesty As cited in the UNT Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities ( HYPERLINK "http://www.unt.edu/csrr/development/dishonesty.html" http://www.unt.edu/csrr/development/dishonesty.html), Academic Dishonesty refers to forms of cheating and plagiarism which results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise or receiving credit for work which is not their own (Pavela, 1978). Academic dishonesty will certainly not be tolerated in this course and the offender will be subjected to appropriate University discipline procedures. Forms of Academic Dishonesty Cheating intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours.  HYPERLINK "http://www.unt.edu/csrr/pdf/plagiarism_workshop.pdf" \t "window-1" Plagiarism the deliberate adoption or reproduction of ideas, words or statements of another person as one's own without acknowledgement. Fabrication intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Facilitating academic dishonesty intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate a provision of the institutional code of academic integrity. University of North Texas Counseling Program Clinical Services Counseling Verification Form I __________________________________________(counselors name) verify that ___________________________(clients name) participated in _____ counseling sessions at the Counseling and Human Development Center from________to_________of 2009. If you have any questions regarding the number of sessions attended by the aforementioned client you may contact me, or the instructor through the Counseling and Human Development Center (940-565-2970). All other information regarding the aforementioned client is confidential and will not be disclosed. Sincerely, _____________________________ Counselors Signature and Date _____________________________ Printed Name of Counselor _____________________________ Counselors Supervisors Signature _____________________________ Printed Name of Supervisor Schedule Week Date Topic Assigned Readings 1 1/21 Orientation to course Nada! Review syllabus Theoretical approaches to interviewing PowerPoint 2 1/28 Psychophysiology: Body and Mind The Inside Story Introduction to Solution-focused interviewing DeJong & Berg (D&B) Chap 1&2 3 2/4 Introduction to basic interviewing skills D&B Chap 3 4 2/11 Meeting the client and getting started D&B Chap 4 5 2/18 Developing well-formed goals D&B Chap 5 DUE 1st audiorecorded interview and critique 6 2/25 Focusing on client successes and strengths D&B Chap 6 7 3/4 Providing clients with feedback D&B Chap 7 8 3/11 Awareness of client progress D&B Chap 8 SPRING BREAK 3/16 3/20 9 3/25 Audio Tape # 2 (done in class) DUE INITIAL DRAFT OF SELF-REFLECTION PAPER 10 4/1 Class Presentations 11 4/8 Class Presentations 12 4/15 Class Presentations DUE AUDIO RECORDED INTERVIEW # 2 with transcription and evaluation of session. 13 4/22 Class Presentations 14 4/29 Ethics and other professional issues D&B Chap 12 Coping and stress appraisal Kleinke Chap 1-3 15 5/6 Interviewing in crisis situations D&B Chap 10 FINAL DRAFT OF SELF-REFLECTION PAPER DUE Final 5/11 (Mon.) 1:30 pm FINAL EXAM (last quiz is mandatory) NOTE THIS IS A MONDAY *this is a tentative schedule, if changes occur they will be discussed in advance with the class     Spring 2009 Section 003 Page  PAGE 11 8NSTVZs~ " * , > ? 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