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FALL, 2009

Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Journal Archive Available Online


The Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Association (VEWAA) is sponsoring a VEWAA Journal resource page on the NCRTM website. This is a central feature of their new strategic plan...(more about VEWAA)

Journal of Rehabilitation Administration Abstracts Available On-line

National Associationfor Rehabilitation Leadership logoThe National Association for Rehabilitation Leadership, a professional division of the National Rehabilitation Association, is sponsoring an NCRTM webpage that hosts an archive of article abstracts from the Journal of Rehabilitation Administration ...(more about Journal of Rehab Administration Abstracts)

RSA Sponsors TA Webinars on Stimulus Funding and More

RASThe Rehabilitation Services Administration has been hosting a series of technical assistance webinars on the NCRTM website since the Fall of 2008. In the previous months topics have included...(more about webinars on stimulus funding)

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