| C.1 Foundations Course
The foundations course is a general overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling profession. This course includes information on case management, budgeting, ethics, professional identity, case studies, different careers available, history of legislation, etc. University courses under the foundations topic would include introductory, foundation, ethics, case studies, and professional development courses.
If there are any questions please contact Kristi Openshaw at k.openshaw@aggiemail.usu.edu or (435) 797-3403.
The forum is available to whoever would like to add a comment, make a request, ask a question, or start a discussion.
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1 | Syllabi
Syllabi open in new window.
4 | Material from the Digital Library
**Some links to the digital library are currently being set-up. Therefore, not all links are working. Please be patient as we continue to improve the website. Thank you.
6 | Quizzes & Tests
In order to protect the integrity of the tests and quizzes this area is password protected. We are in the process of getting the password page set up. Until then, please contact Kristi Openshaw at k.openshaw@aggiemail.usu.edu or by phone at (435)797-3403 to obtain the tests and quizzes.
Study guides for the tests are also available.