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Westre, B. (2006, Fall).Supervised Field Observati...
Leahy, M. (2006, Fall) Foundations of Rehabilitati...
Leahy, M. (2006, Spring) Advanced Seminar on the P...
Tansey, T. (2006, Spring) Professional Issues in R...
Willis, S. P. (2005, Fall) Case Practices in Rehab...
Kampfe, C. M. (2006, Fall) Professional Problems a...
Martz, E. (2006, Fall). Introduction to Psychiatri...
Perkins, A. (2006, Fall). Philosophy and Principle...
Birkmann, J. (2005, Fall). Foundations of the Coun...
Chambless, C (2006, Fall). Introduction to Rehabil...
Chambless, C. (2006, Spring) Case Studies in Rehab...
Chan, F. (2005, Spring) Seminar: Professional Issu...
Gervey, R. (2006, Fall) Foundations of Rehabilitat...
(2006, Spring). Case Practices in Vocational Rehab...
Currier, K. (2005, Fall). Foundations of Rehabilit...
Currier, K. (2006, Spring) Case Management in Reha...
Estrada-Hernandez, N. (2006, Fall) Introduction to...
Tarvydas, V. M. (2006, Spring) Issues and Ethics i...
Rosenthal, D. (2004, Summer). Biological, Psychoso...
England, C. (2006, Fall) Psychological and Social ...
Smith, M. (2006, Spring) Psychosocial, Cultural, a...
Rosenthal, D. (2006, Fall) Psychosocial Aspects of...
Koch, T. (2006, Spring). Psychological,Social, and...
2005, Fall. Psychosocial Aspects of Disability. RH...
Rosenthal, D. (2006, Fall) Psychosocial Aspects of...
Smart, J. (2006, Summer) Culturally Valid Practice...
Leung, P. (2006, Fall). Rehabilitation in a Multic...
Oursler, J. (2006, Summer). Psychosocial Aspects o...
Chan, F. (2006, Fall). Seminar: Psychosocial Theor...
Tarvydas, V. M. (2006, Spring) Psychosocial and De...
Henfield, M. S. (2006, Fall) Multiculturalism in t...
Duys, D. K. (2006, Fall) Theories of Counseling an...
Oursler, J. (2005, Fall). Vocational Rehabilitatio...
England, C. (2006, Fall) Advanced Career Strategie...
Duncan, D. (2006, Fall) Advanced Career Palcement....
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Currier, K. (2006, Spring) Work and Disability. No...
(2006, Fall). Seminar in Counseling: Job Placement...
2006, Fall. Occupational Analysis and Placement in...
Rosenthal, D. (2005, Spring) Career Counseling and...
Corson, N. (2006, Spring) Career/Vocational Issues...
Havrenak, J. (2006, Fall). Job analysis and work e...
Wadsworth, J. (2006, Fall) Job Development, Placem...
Leahy, M. (2006, Fall) Theoretical Foundations of ...
Rosenthal, D. (2006, Summer) Rehabilitation Counse...
Eiring, K. (2000, Summer). Rehabilitation Counseli...
2006, Fall. Rehabilitation Counseling Practice II....
Schultz, J. (2006, Summer) Skill Development in Re...
Schultz, J. (2006, Fall) Counseling Theories. USU....
Saunders, J. L. (2006, Fall) Pre-Practicum in Reha...
Berven, N. (2005, Spring) Rehabilitation Counselin...
Birkmann, J. (2006, Summer). Group Methods. UMDNJ....
Portman, T. (2005, Summer) Introduction to Group C...
Lynch, R. T. (2006, Fall) Adult Cognitive Assessme...
Berven, N. (2006, Spring) Seminar: Assessment in R...
Currier, K. (2005, Summer). Evaluation Techniques....
(2006, Fall). Work Evaluation. California State Un...
2006, Fall. Rehabilitation Assessment. RHAB 714
Lynch, R. (2006, Fall) Assessment of Adults with D...
Millington, M. (2006, Summer). Vocational Evaluati...
Millington, M. (2006, Fall) Vocational Assessment ...
Pratt, C. (2005, Fall). Evaluation and Assessment....
Perkins, A. (2006, Fall). Psychoeducational Assess...
Martz, E. (2006, Fall). Assessment Techniques in C...
Wadsworth, J. (2007, Spring) Rehabilitation Client...
Tansey, T. (2005, Fall) Assessment and Research in...
Chan, F. (2006, Fall) Rehabilitation Psychology Re...
Chan, F. (2006, Spring) Advanced Research Methodol...
Schultz, J. (2006, Spring). Introduction to Rehabi...
Lu, W. (2006). Statistical and Research Methods. U...
Pascarella, E. (2006, Fall) Research Process and D...
Tansey, T. (2005, Fall) Medical and Psychological ...
Ong, L. (2006, Fall) Medical Aspects of Psychiatri...
Ong, L. (2006, Fall) Medical Aspects of Physical a...
Currier, K. (2005, Fall). Medical and Psychosocial...
Lynch, R. (2006, Spring) Medical Aspects of Disabi...
Corson, N. (2006, Fall). Medical Aspects of Disabi...
Oursler, J. (2006, Spring). Medical Aspects of Dis...
Ouellette, S. (2006, Fall). Medical Aspects of Dis...
Havranek, J. (2006, Fall). Medical Aspects of Reha...
Estrada-Hernandez, N. (2006, Fall) Medical Aspects...
Eiring, K. M. (2006) Rehabilitation Counseling Psy...
Rosenthal, D.(2005, Fall) Seminar: Principles of B...
Currier, K. (2003, Spring). Alcohol and Drug Abuse...
Currier, K. (2004, Fall) Alcohol and Drug Counseli...
Currier, K. (2006, Fall) Topicsin Community Counse...
Smart, J. (2006, Spring). Rehabilitation of Person...
England, C. (2006, Fall) Workability IV Project. C...
Smith, M. (2006, Spring) Rehabilitation and Aging....
Leahy, M. (2005, Fall) Rehabilitation Counseling P...
Wadsworth, J. (2006, Fall) Applied Micro Counselin...
Saunders, J. L. (2006, Fall) Advanced Practicum in...
Mc.Cue, M. & Brienza, D. (2008, Fall) Telereha...
Nemec, P., 2007 (Spring). Psychiatric Rehabilitati...
Nemec, P., 2006 (Fall). Psychiatric Rehabilitation...
Nemec, P., 2006 (Fall). Psychiatric Rehabilitation...
Nemec, P., 2007 (Spring). Psychiatric Rehabilitati...
Schultz, J. (2006, Summer). Rehabilitation Practic...
Wheelwright, B., Schultz, J. (2006, Fall) Rehabili...
Oursler, J. (2006, Fall). Practicum in Counseling....
Oursler, J. (2006, Spring). Internship in Counseli...
Mitus, J. (2006, Fall). Internship (Rehabilitation...
Martz, R. (2006, Fall). Practicum/Internship Super...
Eiring, K. M. (2006) Internship in Rehabilitation ...
Rosenthal, D. (2006, Fall) Clinical Practice Semin...
(2006, Fall). Handbook for Rehabilitation Counseli...
Willis, (2006, Fall) Internship in Rehabilitation ...
Lloyd, J.R. (2006, Spring) Ticket to Work Practicu...
Sales, A. (2006, Fall) Supervised Practice in Reha...
Saunders, J. and O'Rourke, B. (2006, Spring). Inte...
Saunders, J. L. (2006, Fall) Advanced Practicum in...
Saunders, J. L. (2006, Spring) Practicum in Rehabi...
Soydan, A., 2006 (Fall). Practicum. Boston Univers...
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Currier, K. (2005, Summer) Career Development. Northeastern Illinois University. COUN 409.