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      Deafblindness is a cobdition in which both hearing and vision loss are present at the same time. The combined effect of these losses, even if both are mild, creates unique challenges in conducting many functions of daily life. Deafblindnesss can affect how a person communicates, how a they get around their commimities, how they obtain employment, or how they learn independent living skills (Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services, 2003).

       Educational assessment is the first process that must be completed. Deafblind children do not have it easy and Individual Educational Plan (IEP) have to be developed to make sure they receive an appropriate education. There are eight steps to this process. The first step is to assemble a team, which includes both teachers for the deaf or hard of hearing and a teacher for the blind. The second step is to condect standard screening and assessment, which include the Functional Vision Evaluation (FVE) and the Learning Media Assessment (LMA). Steps three through eight include compiling the information, observe the child, interview the team, validate the observations, document the findings, and updating the IEP (Blaha, 2002 ).                                                                    

       One of the most well know providers of vocational evaluation for people who are deaf-blind is the Helen Keller National Center(HKNC). Through a specialized approach to job training and placement, HKNC is demonstrting that individuals with deaf-blindness, with little or no emploment history, can join the work force using an adapted model of supported employment which stresses the need for temporary, intensive and/or ongoing supports such as an employment specialist, interpreter, or other support needs (Mezack, 1995). The curriculum is community-based and the trans-disciplinary team works together to support eligible individuals in achieving employment outcomes. The Deaf-Blind Specialist will construct an assessment and serve as a resource to the Vocational Rehabiliation Counselor, while the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor maintains the authority and responsibility for developing the Individual Plan for Employment (IPE) if approved by HKNC (Vocational Rehabilitaion Policies and Procedures Manual, 2001).


Blaha, R., & Carlson, B. ( 2002 ). Issues regarding the assessment of vision loss in regard to sign language, fingerspelling, speechreading, and cued speech for the student with deafblindness. See/Hear Newsletter. Retrieved October 2009.       

Mezack, K. (1995). A specialized approach to job readiness training - deaf-blindness. U.S. Rehabilitation Sevices Administration. Retrieved October 2009.                                                                                            http://

Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services. (2003). Deaf-blind program. Retrieved October 2009.                

Vocdational Rehabilitation Policies and Procedures Manual. (2001). Deaf-blind services at helen keller center and the rehabilitation center for the blind. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved October 2009.