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  • News forum
  • Welcome to the Curriculum Development Community Portal
    Kristi Openshaw, a doctoral student at Utah State University, is taking a leadership role in collecting, organizing, and posting curriculum materials. We are hoping to create a constantly evolving resource that all rehabilitation counseling instructors can use to enrich student experience. At this time she is engaged in the collection of syllabi from departments around the country.
    We will post the first round of collections on November 3, and on a monthly basis thereafter.

    While initial program response has been positive, follow-through has been slow. We encourage rehabilitation counseling educators to get involved in this project. Share your experience for the good of the profession; it's not a community without you. The curriculum project will not succeed without the participation of educators.

    The syllabi we have recieved is now posted.

    Please submit any resources or questions to kristi at :



Below are courses commonly taught in rehabilitation counseling programs. The number listed with the course corresponds to the CORE knowledge domains. Please click on the course name to view course material. The material includes syllabi, powerpoints, required and optional readings, assignments, study guides, and tests.

To view syllabi only, please scroll down past the classrooms.

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